Brush Mowing / Brush Removal / Vacant Land Maintenance

In the Great Northwest, maintaining vacant land and open fields can sometimes feel overwhelming. Did you know that blackberries can grow over 10 feet tall and single canes can grow over 20 feet per year? The common alder tree is also a vigorous grower and can grow up to 4 feet per year in average conditions. That means in just 5 years that back part of your property that was once cleared is now an impenetrable thicket of blackberries, alder and other vegetation.

We can make it all go away and at a fraction of the cost of having someone clear and haul off the brush. We have a heavy duty 72″ rotary brush cutter that can mow down just about anything under 4″ in diameter. As it mows, it breaks down and chops the material into small pieces. This mower is on a rubber tracked loader making it ideal for sensitive areas such as drain fields, hillsides and soft, wet ground.

After we mow a site we always recommend planting grass. It is important you give competition to the unwanted vegetation. Usually after a few years of mowing and planting grass, the site becomes manageable so a property owner can go out on his own with a weed eater or mower.

The other benefit to mowing a site is that the chopped up debris that remain on the ground assist in erosion control. Of all the services we provide, mowing consistently gets the best reaction from people. They are amazed how quickly we can transform a site making it more enjoyable or saleable.